Donate Now

Below are a number of different ways to donate. Please don't forget to Gift Aid your donation - we can claim back 25p in every £1 you donate, with no extra cost to yourself!
Thank you in advance for your time and generosity.
You can make a secure donation online using your credit/debit card and you'll be able to Gift Aid it with ease.
Set up an ongoing gift to help sustain our work and help put an end to brain tumours.
Or make a secure online gift today and help ensure that we help change lives and the future for brain tumours.
If you don't want to make a donation online, you can send us a cheque. A small covering letter would be most appreciated, just so we know where and who the donation is from, so we can say thank you but this is not always necessary, should you wish not to.
Made payable to: ‘Taylan's Project'
Sent to:
Taylan's Project
2 Rustics Close
Calvert Green
MK18 2FG
United Kingdom
Internet Banking
You can make a payment using your bank's Internet Banking service, direct to our charity bank account:
Payee: Taylan's Project
Description: Donation
Sort Code: 60-02-09
Account number: 60576952