HeadSmart - Be Brain Tumour Aware
The HeadSmart campaign is run by a partnership between Brain Tumour Research member charities; the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC) at the University of Nottingham, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and The Brain Tumour Charity, and has been funded by The Health Foundation and The Brain Tumour Charity.
Research has shown that there is considerable variation in the time taken to diagnose childhood brain tumours in the UK. Half of all children and young people diagnosed with a brain tumour take longer than three months to be diagnosed. The aim of the HeadSmart campaign is to reduce the time taken to diagnose brain tumours so that all children and young people with a brain tumour are diagnosed within five weeks of developing symptoms or signs of a brain tumour.
The symptoms covered by the guideline have also been used to produce age-specific symptom cards in order to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms among parents and young people.
This is a fantastic initiative that is showing positive results and raising the awareness that is so desperately needed.
Please visit the HeadSmart Campaign