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National Research Funding Report 2016


Brain Tumour Research released a National Research Funding Report, on 11th October 2016, highlighting the continued underfunding and lack of awareness surrounding brain tumour research.

Devastatingly, every week, a family loses a child to a brain tumour, more than those lost, under the age of 15, to leukaemia.

In contrast to increasing survival rates for other cancers such as breast cancer and leukaemia, people dying from brain tumours under the age of 75 increased by 10%.

In 2015, charities funded 86% of national research into brain tumours, while Government spend on brain tumour research represented just 0.52% of its total spend on cancer research.

On October 18th 2016, they took this new information to the first meeting of the Government's Task and Finish Working Group, established in the wake of the Parliamentary debate on funding for brain tumours.

Brain Tumour Research will play a key role in these meetings, addressing the need for greater levels of brain tumour research funding in the UK. 

Read the full report on online here
, or click here to download a PDF copy

Watch Channel 4 News featuring our report over on YouTube.

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